Wednesday 28 August 2013

Rock Breaking

With changing times and the introduction of newer technology construction of buildings, roads, dams, tunnels became easier. With passing time rock blasting required to do all of the above mentioned also became easier. Man first learned to use explosives for breaking down big rocks, later he invented equipment, tools and techniques that let him do the same without using explosives. Gunpowder was originally used as an explosive way back in the seventeenth century. At that time it was basically used for mining.

Rock Blasting With Non Explosive Techniques.
There are several equipments and tools that have helped do away with the vintage methods of rock blasting. Some of these tools are, frost wedge, hydraulic crushers, Pulverizers, shears, asphalt tool, super blunt tool, fluted tool, Chisel tools, Moil tools, Rock breaking hammers, tamping tool, Rock breakers, Booms. Hydraulic compactors, Concave Removal Tool, deck buster tool. The chisel tool is used while working on soft to medium hard rocks. The moil tool is especially effective for weak metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and is used for concrete breaking , tunneling and trenching. The use of a blunt tool is advised for highly abrasive working conditions e.g. for breaking an oversize rock needing a maximum fracture.